
Vincod stores informations provided and owned by wineries. If you have the winery’s agreement to use their informations you will be granted an API key.

Using Vincod’s API you can integrate these information in any application. When the winery updates its information, it’s automatically updated on your application.

How it works ?

The Owner is the root of the system. A winery is the child of an owner. An owner can handle several wineries. A winery can handle several ranges of wine but this is optional. A lot of wineries don’t have a range.

Then we have wines that are the heart of our projet. Every wine has a vincod. A vincod is a unique identifiant given to a wine to identify it.

There may be different vincod for the same wine as a vincod is associated with language. We can have for example VFR09 for « La Vieille Ferme Ventoux Rouge 2009″ in French and VEN09 for « La Vieille Ferme Ventoux Rouge 2009″ in English. Those two vincod identifie the same wine but in two different languages.

By a vincod, you can have acces to a card, describing all the information about the wine.


First you have to ask for an API Key. This API Key allows you to acces information about specific owners. To get an API Key please contact api@vincod.com.

REST API : XML and JSON feed

Their is two way to use your API. First, we provide json and xml feed. This feed give information about Owners, Winery, Range or Wine. By using our REST API you will be able to get this information. Then, feel free to parse those feed to extract needed information.


We also provide a PHP API which facilitates the extraction of information. All you have to do is enter your API Key into the configuration file to start using the API.

Then, consult the online documentation to understand how the API works. It allows you to retrieve all necessary information about the owners, vineyards, and wine ranges, so simple.

You can also visit this page to see an example of a request made with the API to understand how it works.